IMHOTEP Framework
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IMHOTEP Framework

Welcome to the IMHOTEP Documentation.

The IMHOTEP Framework can be used to view medical data in a Virtual Reality (VR) setting. Supported VR-Devices are:

Supported Input options:

To compile the Framework, you need:

VR Setup:

To run the project using the Oculur Rift or normal computer screen (for developping purposes):

  1. Search for the "Camera" GameObject in the Hierarchy
  2. The "Camera" has a child called "Camera(Rift)". Set it to active.
  3. The "Camera" also has a child called "[CameraRig(Vive)]". Set it to inactive.
  4. Connect the Oculus Rift.
  5. Run the project from within Unity.

To run the project using the HTC Vive:

  1. Search for the "Camera" GameObject in the Hierarchy
  2. The "Camera" has a child called "[CameraRig(Vive)]". Set it to active.
  3. The "Camera" also has a child called "Camera(Rift)". Set it to inactive.
  4. Connect the HTC Vive and start SteamVR.
  5. Run the project from within Unity.

Getting Started:

Input: Describes how the IMHOTEP Input system differs from Unitys default system.

User Interface: Describes how UI elements are set up in IMHOTEP.

Building your own tools: Hints on how to build your own tools and UI widgets.

Patient Event System: Describes how to make your tools react to Patient load/close events.