enum | HandType { Left,
} |
enum | AttachmentFlags { SnapOnAttach = 1 << 0,
DetachOthers = 1 << 1,
DetachFromOtherHand = 1 << 2,
ParentToHand = 1 << 3
} |
Transform | GetAttachmentTransform (string attachmentPoint="") |
HandType | GuessCurrentHandType () |
void | AttachObject (GameObject objectToAttach, AttachmentFlags flags=defaultAttachmentFlags, string attachmentPoint="") |
void | DetachObject (GameObject objectToDetach, bool restoreOriginalParent=true) |
Vector3 | GetTrackedObjectVelocity () |
Vector3 | GetTrackedObjectAngularVelocity () |
void | HoverLock (Interactable interactable) |
void | HoverUnlock (Interactable interactable) |
bool | GetStandardInteractionButtonDown () |
bool | GetStandardInteractionButtonUp () |
bool | GetStandardInteractionButton () |
const AttachmentFlags | defaultAttachmentFlags |
Hand | otherHand |
HandType | startingHandType |
Transform | hoverSphereTransform |
float | hoverSphereRadius = 0.05f |
LayerMask | hoverLayerMask = -1 |
float | hoverUpdateInterval = 0.1f |
Camera | noSteamVRFallbackCamera |
float | noSteamVRFallbackMaxDistanceNoItem = 10.0f |
float | noSteamVRFallbackMaxDistanceWithItem = 0.5f |
SteamVR_Controller.Device | controller |
GameObject | controllerPrefab |
bool | showDebugText = false |
bool | spewDebugText = false |
< AttachedObject > | AttachedObjects [get] |
bool | hoverLocked [get, set] |
Interactable | hoveringInteractable [get, set] |
GameObject | currentAttachedObject [get] |
Definition at line 19 of file Hand.cs.
const AttachmentFlags Valve.VR.InteractionSystem.Hand.defaultAttachmentFlags |
Initial value:= AttachmentFlags.ParentToHand |
AttachmentFlags.DetachOthers |
AttachmentFlags.DetachFromOtherHand |
Definition at line 38 of file Hand.cs.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /var/www/test/server/website/imhotep/Assets/ThirdParty/SteamVR/InteractionSystem/Core/Scripts/Hand.cs