IMHOTEP Framework
IMHOTEP (Immersive Medical Hands-On Operation Teaching and Planning System) is a Virtual-Reality framework used for visualizing medical data for surgeons. It is compatible with the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. The software is being developed by the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics at the KIT, Karlsruhe, in association with the Heidelberg University Hospital. Using the VR technology, it can be used to visualize 3D organs and structures, 2D medical images and information. The framework can be applied in the areas of visualization, simulation, planning of surgeries and teaching. Currently, its main goal is to be used in pre-operative planning (using patient-specific 3D data).
This Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. It is not a medical product and is only intended for research purposes. Use at your own risk. See the Licenses/IMHOTEP.txt for further details.
The source code in this project is licensed under the BSD License (see Licenses/IMHOTEP.txt). The project uses various third-party plugins and assets, a list of which can be seen in Their licenses are in the "Licenses" subfolder.
To run the project, you need a VR Headset (HTC Vive is recommended, although the framework will also work with an Oculus Rift), Unity3D (tested with Version 2017.1 and 2017.2) and Blender3D. Set up your VR Headset, then download this project and load it using the Unity3D editor. In the Assets Folder, load the "Workstation" scene and then run the project. To select the correct HMD (Vive or Rift), please consult the documentation (Main page, "VR Setup" section). The visualization data is not included in the source code. We will upload an anonymous test patient data set soon. Until then, if you want to use the software and get an example set of visualization data, please contact us.
We welcome contributions to the project! Developers and researchers can contribute in the following areas:
See here to get a list of much needed features, some of which we are working on. We will try to keep this list up to date.
We are working on getting the documentation into a web-readable format.
In the meantime, to generate the documentation, download "Doxygen". Then use the Doxyfile in the project's root directory to generate the documentation. For example, on Linux, run: 'doxygen Doxyfile'. You can then load the file Documentation/html/index.html.